
Media Literacy Awareness Project Launche

28.10.2021 14:56


The project titled “Media Literacy Awareness”, an outsourced project, led by Assist. Prof. Dr.  Hacer Dolanbay, and supported by the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the US Consulate, was implemented at Muş Alparslan University, Bingöl University and Bitlis Eren Universities. 

The project, which was commenced on October 4-5 with the participation of 160 students from the universities involved in the project, started to be implemented online. The trainings to be held within the scope of the project will be carried out online and face-to-face, and the trainings will end in April 2022. During the project trainings, Assist. Prof. Dr. Hacer Dolanbay, from the Department of Social Sciences Education at Muş Alparslan University, Assist. Prof. Dr.  Fatih Türkan, from the Department of Instructional Technologies, and Prof. Dr. Nilüfer Pembecioğlu, from the Department of Radio, TV and Cinema at the Faculty of Communication at Istanbul University, will contribute with various trainings and seminars.